Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where has the last month gone?

Between the Holiday Gift Boutique, Jeremy starting an evening job, a typical fall (read: BUSY) Usborne schedule, and regular holiday and school activities we have hardly had a moment to breathe let alone blog. So... read on for a disjointed and incomplete (but hopefully informative) history of the last few weeks.

Side note... As I looked back on what I chose to document I realized what is really important. Not the things that are pressing and occupying our minds... like that the boutique sales were up $1000+ this year (yeah) or that we got up at 4:30 am again to go Christmas shopping or that my Usborne business has been flourishing in this bad economy and I even just promoted out two supervisors (YEAH... again!) or even that Jer is very sleep deprived because he is working 60+ hours every week and doesn't get home until after 1 pm three nights awake (although I am grateful for his sacrifices).

Anyway... the things I chose to really focus on are pretty much everyday things and traditions that will hopefully live on in our kids memories. And if they don't at least we've got the written record here... right?

So... hopefully I'll post again soon, but if I don't manage to post before Christmas... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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