Sunday, July 5, 2009

Let's Hear it for the Templars... M.H.S!

Last week Katie and her cousins Ashley and Alex participated in Little Girl Cheer Camp. They enjoyed learning dances, playing active games, learning cheers and rhymes, and doing girly stuff. The performance is always so cute... the little girls do the cutest squeals and "eagles" at the end of each cheer. One day, while I was there waiting I thought about how when I was in high school no one knew what a Templar was (except people who went to Manti High School). We were constantly explaining to kids from other schools who the Knights Templar were. Now, thanks to National Treasure and the Da Vinci code Templars are well known and kind of cool. Just thought that was interesting...

In other sports related news, I am THRILLED to announce the end of the baseball and t-ball season. It was fun (kind of), but I am very relieved to have my Monday and Wednesday evenings back (as well as the hour I spent each Monday and Wednesday hunting down mitts and various pieces of uniforms).

Here is Matthew with his team, the Yankees, after their last game. They were all great kids and had WONDERFUL coaches.
Something I will miss... snow cones.
p.s. Matthew and Katie also had choir practice on Monday and Wednesday mornings and that ended this week too! And I thought summertime wouldn't be so busy.

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