Sunday, October 12, 2008


This is always the hardest time of year when it comes to our family's health... everyone gets sick. It seems like from the time school starts until Thanksgiving someone (usually more than one person) is sick at all times. Jeremy thinks it is because of bodies aren't ready for the wide temperature changes. (The other day on the farm there was a 60 degree difference between the high and the low). Anyway... we've been lying low lately because of the sickness at our house... everything from stomach bugs, bad colds, to huge cold sores... and we are ready to feel better!

We did make these fun monsters out of candy and rice krispy treats. I took pictures with my phone because our camera battery is dead. So, I will try and get those posted later.

Oh... the good news is I have not only finished earning the Usborne trip to Rome for 1, but I also earned $400 cash to take with me. I am trying to figure out a way to get Jeremy there too. :)

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