Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dental Work

Matthew had his first root canal when he was 4 years old. We pretty much felt like the worst parents ever... especially because neither of us had a cavity until we were grown up and only have had a couple of cavities EVER.

So, a couple of weeks ago I had occassion to look in his mouth and was horrified. One of his teeth looked like it was totally decaying and it also looked like it was spreading to the next one. So, I made a dentist appointment. He had those visible cavities, plus 1 or 2 more. He had a pulp treatment yesterday in hopes of avoiding a second root canal. He did really well, considering, and hardly complained. Of course, the vanilla shake I bought him from the Malt Shop helped.

It turns out Matthew has some condition caused by genes, medications at 6 mo. of age and/or a fever at 6 mo. of age. (The dentist, Wes Thompson, said it was most likely a couple of those interacting). Anyway, his teeth are super soft and so they are VERY prone to cavities and decay. In two weeks he will get sealants to protect his teeth.

Knowing about his "condition" eased my guilt SO much. I can now look at the "pirate tooth" (crown) he got at 4 yrs. old and know that I am NOT the worst mother ever. Poor Matthew though. He is such trooper!

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