Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rome: The Vatican

We took so many pictures of our trip to Rome it is daunting to even starting blogging. We filled an entire card with hundreds and hundreds of pictures of places, art, people, etc. So, I'll just group them by major location and work on it little by little over the next few days.

The first major landmark we visited was the Museo Vatico (Vatican Museum) and San Pietro (St. Peter's Square and Basilica). Peter is buried underneath St. Peter's Basilica (thus the name) and it was cool to see his tomb. It is quite impressively marked with a huge baroque canopy which I believe was made by Bernini. (Many of Rome's most famous landmarks were sculpted by Bernini.) Michaelangelo designed the dome of the basilica (which according to Roman law must always be the highest structure in Rome).

In addition to viewing the amazing art in the basilica we were able to climb the MANY, MANY, MANY steps to the top of the basilica. The view was amazing!

After the basilica we visited the Vatican Museum. The Vatican is known not only for being the headquarters of the Catholic church, but also for it's incredible collection of artifacts and works of art. It didn't disappoint! We could have spent days there, literally. Unfortunately it wasn't cheap and we had to limit our time to one visit.

The highlight of the Vatican Museum is the Sistine Chapel painted by Michaelangelo. Unfortunately, cameras aren't allowed in the Sistine Chapel, but it was amazing to be there. We could not believe that we were actually looking at the famous paintings from art books.

Below are some random pictures from the day we spent at the Vatican. A painting that I enjoyed in my Art 101 (as well as philosophy classes) in college is found in the Vatican museum. It is of ancient philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians all finding truth through their discipline.
The map rooms were some of my favorite in the Vatican museaum. There were tons of really awesome maps of Italy. The details were amazing.

This granite tub is HUGE! I guess people have always enjoyed luxurious baths.

Jer helping me to the top of St. Peter's. We climbed hundreds and hundreds of stairs. My legs were stiff for about 10 days.

St. Peter's Square from the top of St. Peter's Basilica.

Statues of Saints and Martyrs at St. Peter's Basilica.

The top of St. Peter's Basilica.

Swiss Guards at some of the off-limits to the public places at the Vatican.

Me and Jer in St. Peter's Square.

Me waiting for the metro (subway) on our first of MANY rides.


Tiffini said...

How fun, what a trip! It looks like a very beautiful place. Thank goodness for pictures, trips always seem to go to fast.

JoDee :*) said...

These are amazing!!! So glad you could go and share your pictures!!! Does the trip seem sureal? I know ours did, and we didn't even leave the country.