Wednesday, May 20, 2009

EWWWW... Gross!!!

That is not my toilet. I couldn't bring myself to take a picture because it is SO, SO, SO DISGUISTING!!

Here is why:

Two days ago, Katie was helping clean up and found some popsicle sticks. She thought... why not flush them down the toilet to REALLY get rid of them. Well, we didn't know and kept using it and then this morning disaster struck.

Anyway, Jer has broke TWO plumbing snakes and spent 2 hours on it. He just informed me that he is going to have to take the toilet off, but doesn't have time until he gets home TONIGHT. For awhile he had me and Katie in there helping, but we weren't much help because I was trying not to throw up and laughing hysterically at the same time and Katie was telling me, "Mom, just don't look at it! Don't look!!" Well, not looking only does so much. It smells NASTY !!

So now I have to use the kid's bathroom... which is an experience in and of itself.

I don't know what is more foul... the smell coming from the bathroom OR Jeremy's mood after having his hand in the toilet for two hours.


JoDee :*) said...

Well...I hope it's all been taken care of by now.

We have had a similar experience. A plastic cup (bathroom size) was flushed down our toilet. We only have one toilet so Josh had to come home during work hours to fix it. He was not a happy camper when finding the results. Now all is well.

Tiffini said...

Oh man that's horrible, but I'm glad you were able to laugh. And especially glad you have a handy Hubby, I'm sure I would have been the one fixing that one lol!!

Amanda said...

Yikes!! I am so sorry! Tell Jeremy David will be having toilet duty this weekend; maybe that will make him feel a little better (misery loves company). Our toilet starting leaking a couple of days ago and the leak ain't pretty! LOL

Hey, when I was little, my sister shoved a wash cloth down the bath drain. Had to have half the yard dug up. My parents were NOT happy with her.

Jake and Jen said...

oh no! Is it all fixed now?