Saturday, February 20, 2010

Adventures in Potty Training

Someday I'm going to write a book and call it "Adventures in Potty Training." (I hope that title isn't already taken.) And I am going to write about the time that Jeremy and I set up the State Fair booth and then decided to take Ash and Will and eat at the Lion House at Temple Square. After lunch we were admiring something at Temple Square when all the sudden Will shouted, "I'm peeing on the flowers." His pants & undies were around his ankles and he was standing in a flower bed facing the Church Office Building. He was only 2 and had only been potty trained for a few months so we couldn't get mad. We just laughed. And my book is going to have other things about life and parenthood not related to potty training... maybe practical time management tips, and funny stories to keep perspective, and inspirational stories (also to keep perspective).

Just writing this down now... so I don't forget later. :)


JoDee :*) said...

Jill This is a great title! I wish I had written all the things down from my last potty journey. Everyday I keep thinking "Potty Diaries" but anyway, I had some good ones!

Kierst said...

ps william peed his pants the other day. he really shouldn't wear overalls because he can't take them off. and plus i think playing in the mud was better than going to the bathroom so he just didn't bother going in.

Amanda said...

LOL!! I've been there! My boys have dropped their pants to their ankles in so many public places. I think that comes from living in a rural setting. My friends who live in the city don't have that trouble.

One time we were leaving a restaurant and while we were getting our 2nd (a baby) strapped in, my oldest, then 3, had dropped his drawers and was peeing on a nearby car's tire! LOL

Another time we were coming out of church and stopped to talk with someone. The oldest dropped his shorts to the ground and proceeded to pee in the topiary! There were at least 20 people around! LOL

Yes, write that book and get submissions. Seriously, that would be a funny book!