Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Omnivore's Dilemma = My Dilemma

Today Matthew, Katie, and I ate Malt Shop for lunch. Sadly, instead of enjoying it, I felt sick and GUILTY... seriously GUILTY.

If you follow my sidebar you may be aware that I've been reading The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan for some time now. (I am one of those people that has at least 3 books in progress at all times so sometimes it take awhile to finish one... especially the non-fiction ones.) Charity shipped it to me in June because she had enjoyed it so much. (If "enjoyed" is the correct word... I don't know. Let's just say it is thought provoking. When I read passages to Jer he just gets mad and Richard Nixon and his agricultural policy, big businesses, and the world in general. )

FYI... The Omnivore's Dilemma is: What's for dinner?
Anyway... this book is really eye opening and makes me very grateful that I KNOW where my beef comes from, what it eats before I eat it, how the crops it eats are grown, etc. Sadly, I don't know the same thing about the poultry, fruits and veggies I buy. And this book made me totally disenchanted with the "organic" market. (As if being married to a farmer hadn't already soiled my view enough.)

Also, it has just made me more aware of our (meaning society as a whole, but also, especially me personally) tendancy to eat lots of processed food and not enough whole foods. As I prepare meals I am often taking stock of the ingredients and even the finished product themselves wondering if my great-grandparents would have recognized those foods. I read labels to determine whether the "ingredients in the ingredients" are created by God or chemists. Seriously... what I discover is disturbing.

So, today as I ate my lunch... and felt sick and guilty... I realized I MUST change. I can not in good conscience put junk in my body anymore. Especially for the next 14 or so weeks when everything that I eat is supposed to nourish my little guy too. (Note: This doesn't apply to Hershey's Bliss chocolates, my newest craving/addiction.) I can't feed my family that junk that our bodies were NOT made to live on.

Anyway... so now my dilemma is how do I make this change? What is for dinner?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just might have convinced me to finally read that book. I have the same struggles as you with regards to food and feeding my family. I have avoided reading that book, but it might just be time to do it now.