Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sick and Tired

Okay... I will keep this brief and try not to whine too much, but I just have to vent... I am SICK of being SICK.

I am currently lying in bed with my laptop where, sadly, I have spent much of the last several months trying to recover from one thing or another... nausea and PAIN from a bad gallbladder, morning (all day) sickness, placenta problems, gallbladder surgery, pain from too-loose joints, and couple of regular old colds and flus.

But I finally thought I was getting back to normal life and catching up on things. Then last night (after fighting a terrible cold and cough all week and stomach bug all day Friday) I spent a couple of hours in the ER getting re-hydrated and drugged up with anti-nausea meds.

By the way, IV fluids and anti-nausea drugs are a WONDERFUL thing. Yesterday, I could not keep down 1 Tbsp of water or soda or even one saltine cracker before my ER visit. Today I have mostly kept down a dish of rice, two small servings of applesauce, a banana, a piece of toast, and 6 crackers, plus some water and ginger ale.

Which reminds me... I do have lots to be grateful for.
  1. Modern medicine!! I love not having a gallbladder.
  2. Jer stayed home with me yesterday to take care of the kids.
  3. My mom took the kids today.
  4. My kids have been so good to help me and each other. Seriously, they are great! Since Jer was home to feed them, they weren't put out at all by my most recent illness. In fact, the little boys found it quite entertaining to watch me throw up. The especially liked it when after 12 hours of barfing I started throwing up bile. (Sorry, that is gross, but they loved it.)
  5. Charity and Samantha helped me get through my massive pile of clean, but unfolded laundry.
  6. Pregnancy only lasts nine months (I'm hoping for 8 1/2 months), but a child is ours FOREVER. I'm SO thankful for eternal families and the joys that each member adds to our family.

So even though I had to give away a home show I was really looking forward to last night, and cancel my planned yard sale today, and find a substitute to teach "I Can Pray" in nursery tomorrow, life could be worse. It really, really could. I just need to keep reminding myself of that when I feel like complaining.

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