Saturday, November 15, 2008

So Many People to Thank!!

Hilary Clinton wrote a book called, "It take a Village to Raise a Child." Well, today it definitely took a family to take care of me and my children. For some CRAZY reason I scheduled three Usborne events in one day, but it's November... the craziness that only comes once a year... and there are a lot of people that want to buy books and get them for free right now. $$Yeah!$$ I am home now. I survived it and am pleased with the results. So I MUST thank the people who made it possible:

Kathy: For dropping off table cloths at my house at 6:30 am this morning (all of mine were with some of my books at a boutique in Spring City); and watching my kids all day after being in hours of Scout meetings.
Dana: My kids told me they played at your house for awhile.... I haven't sorted it all out yet. :)
Stacie: For helping me set up at another boutique. We didn't know what we were getting into, but ended up having to carry a HEAVY table and four boxes of books up two flights of stairs. Yikes!! Also for helping me decorate it, including using her fabric to cover overturned boxes (since all my book racks were also in Spring City), and taking it down. That booth turned out DARN CUTE!! Especially since we threw it together with Kathy and Stacie's stuff. I took a picture with my phone. I'll see if Jer can help me load it later.
Mom, Levi, and Kiersten: For watching my kids while Kathy was in her early morning Scout meeting and helping me carry that heavy table and the four boxes of books DOWN the stairs after the boutique was over.
Bobbi and Andrea: For providing racks, tables, and/or time at a booth.
And MOST of all JEREMY: For helping me restock in Spring City last night; for getting the kids ready and taken care of this morning; for feeding them dinner; then driving to Spring City to take down and pack up my booth (no small task... 6 boxes, three tables, three racks, etc.) after a long day on the farm; and for doing it all without a word of complaint because he knows that it is important to me and our family. Also, for not complaining that next week (when we should be celebrating our anniversary) I have two home shows and a two-day booth at the Utah Chocolate Show. I lucked out when I married him!!

I feel so blessed. Thank you all!!

1 comment:

Charity said...

Oh, I'm so glad it went well!