Sunday, November 2, 2008

William Henrie Joseph Cox

Happy Birthday Willy!!

We celebrated Will's 2nd Birthday by going to the Halloween Carnival at the Elementary School. Later that afternoon, Stacie and both of his Grandma's presented him with presents perfect for a little William, he told me he needed to go pee and poop in the potty (AND HE DID!!), we watched the BYU game, and Katie and I got REALLY sick.

But this post is about WILLIAM...

Will is pure delight. He makes us laugh so much! He is also very sweet. Whenever anyone is upset he runs up to them and says, "I sorry!" and gives them a hug. In fact, when Matthew and I wer throwing up yesterday (sorry for the gross detail), Will would come up to us and pat our heads and say, "Sorry, Momma" or "Sorry, Matthew" and try to comfort us. Of course, when Matthew threw up on my bedroom floor he ran around the room giggling and squealing, "EWW!! Gross!"

The other morning Will woke up and started hollering, "Daddy come get me out! Daaadyyy! I want out..." So when Jeremy went and got him out of his crib he looked at him seriously and said, "Finally, Daddy! Finally!" Every morning (without fail) he asks Jer, "Goin to the farm dad? I go with you to the farm? I ride back hoe and feed cows?"

Ashton has been a big influence on Will and so he also loves books,vehicles, digging and riding his bike. He loves to push around cars, trucks, and especially diggers. He loves to be read to (especially books involving things with wheels and farms). We had to get some Usborne bath books because Will kept taking books into the bath tub with him. The other day he was reading a farm book and pointed to some animals and said, "Animalths... "(he has an adorable lisp). Then he looked at me very serously he says, "I scared of animalths." Now whenever we ask him what he is afraid of he says, "I scared of animalths." And he IS.

Will is a junk food junkie! This morning he spilled syrup all over the kitchen trying to drink it from the bottle and just a few minutes ago he said to me, "I need candy in my mouth, please." He is currently eating smarties.

I asked the kids their favorite thing about Willy. Ashton said, "He listens to me." (Read: "I can boss him around.") Matthew said, "He always likes to play with me." Will does LOVE to play with his siblings. His favorite time of day is when we go pick Katie up from school. But, Kathryn summed it up best when she said, "I don't know... is is so cute. I love everything about him!"

Happy 2nd Birthday William. WE LOVE YOU!!


Jake and Jen said...

awww what a cutie! Hope you had a happy birthday Will :)

Anonymous said...

hi.... can you email me that picture of all of us on the teeter-totter? I tried to steal it off of here but it is REALLY small. And I just love that picture!!

Darren and Jody said...

Hi Jill,
Thanks for putting our links on your blog. I hope the whole Cragun clan can make it to Karson's event. Your kids look really cute in their costumes. Happy B-day Will
Love Jody