Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Handful of Little Ones

I guess it is time to reveal one of the worst-kept (but very exciting) secrets of the year... we are adding another little one to our family! He or she will make their appearance sometime around Thanksgiving. I wanted to wait and post the big announcement until after Jeremy could scan in some ultrasound pictures, but after he informed me we need another USB cable to hook up the scanner I figured I probably shouldn't wait any longer.

Anyway, the first three months were difficult. Not only did I have morning sickness to contend with, but I had my third (in a row) subchorianic (not sure I spelled that right) hemmorage. They don't know what causes it because they usually see it in mom's who smoke and use and drugs, but it required two months of bedrest. That was challenging to say the least. It eventually dawned on me that if I wanted to get better, I really had to stay down and once I was more strict with myself I did improve and get better.

This morning we asked the kids what we should name our new baby and these are the names we came up with. I italicized the more entertaining ones.

Dallin- Jer
Soren- Jer
Jens- Jill
Callen- Jill
Daven- Katie
Spark- Matthew
Holly- Ashton (after the blue New Holland tractor)
J.D.- Ashton (after the green John Deere tractor)

Holly- Ashton (again, after the tractor)
Pretty Cox- Matthew
Wonder Cox- Matthew
Bella- Katie
Lucy- Katie (after Lucy in the Chronicles of Narnia)
Hazen- Jill
Haley- Jer
Jane- Jill
Lemon- Katie (after Miss Lemon in Poirot). This suggestion brought cheers from the boys.
We still have 5 months so I'm sure we'll come up with some more interesting ones.


Tiffini said...

Totally could have borrowed my scanner ;)oh well the cat's out now too late. Congrats, and I'm so so sorry for the bed rest!! I feel the pain, but glad your better. To bad I had to ask Kiersten why you were in a wheel chair at Disneyland to spoil your long awaited surprise.

Amanda said...

Congratulations!! I am so surprised (wink, wink)!

Okay, names.
Boy names - he may get beat up a lot at school with any of those names. LOL Maybe I am not pronouncing them right.

Girl names - love Lucy! It is so simple yet hardly ever used anymore. I love old names that are classic. That is why we chose Georgia.

JoDee :*) said...

Congrats!!!! I know your new little one will bring such joy! Your kids are a wonderful age for a new addition! :)

KimL said...

congrats on the little one. I had no idea! That is way exciting. I am sure I will be doing a special around Christmas time. It'll probably start just after Thanksgiving, so I'll let you know when it gets closer. Congrats again.

Curt, Colleen, CJ and Cassidy said...

Yeah! Congrats! I totally feel your pain with the subchorionic bleed. I had that with CJ and bed rest is no fun. There is another explaination for the subchorionic bleeding that is called "implantation bleeding". I'm sure you know that's when the fertilized egg embeds itself into the lining of the uterus and in some "lucky" ones there is bleeding with the implantation and the bleeding doesn't get absorped causing a hemmorhage or clot that eventually will make its way out...Sorry to get totally technical. Being a ob/gyn nurse and experiencing it first hand-I've researched it a little bit!;) I'm glad everything going well now! Take care.