Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Whitey-Tighties or My Failures as a Mother

Yesterday, we had a great day at the swimming pool. Even though it was cold, the kids and Jer swam, splashed, and spun while I observed and ran to the bakery to get our picnic. After stopping for peaches and toast at Grandma Coxes we made came home. I asked the kids to change into their jammies and get ready for scriptures and stories. This request was immediately met by whines of "I don't know where any clean undies are." AND "I think I used my last clean undies last night." You get the point. Anyway, I told them to go look in the laundry room and in their drawers.

A few minutes later, Ashton come up, naked from the waist down, insisting that he didn't have any. I called over to my moms to see if any of my kids had left any clean underwear there. They hadn't. A few minutes later, Katie came up in her jammies. I asked her if she found underwear and she nodded, guiltily. About 10 minutes later Matthew came up in tears because he could not find any clean underwear. I said, "Ask Katie if you can borrow a pair of hers tonight because she found some." He replied, "I did and she doesn't have an extra pair."

At this point I said, "Katie where did you find your underwear?"

"Actually, I couldn't find any of my clean underwear so I am wearing Ashton's. Actually, they are the ones that Ashton grew out of and gave to Will, so I am really wearing Will's underwear." Now, I understood her guilty look.

At this point I was so tired and sick of the underwear crisis that I told Matthew, "Go get you and Ashton a pair of Will's underwear for tonight." I knew he had plenty because I had just folded them.

When Matthew came into the room to get his jammies, wearing size 3 underwear I started laughing out loud and thought to myself, "That gives whitey tighties a whole new meaning."
They had to be miserable! They were so TIGHT on his little rear end and he was walking a little odd.

I swear, I feel like I've been doing laundry constantly. But thinking back, I realize it is mostly just ball uniforms, dirty towels, farm clothes, muddy clothes, camping stuff, and not the important stuff like underwear for my kids!

Anyway, I wasn't going planning on telling anyone about our underwear situation, but when Jer got home and I told him that all 4 of our children were wearing Will's size 3 Scooby-Do underwear, we started laughing so hard that I realized I had to share... If for no other reason that to help someone else realize that sometimes parenthood is about survival and not perfection.

So, now I've aired my dirty laundry, (sorry that was super cheesy) I can go about my day and make sure the kids have SOMETHING (even if it isn't there full uniforms) to wear to ball tonight.

1 comment:

Tiffini said...

Thanks for sharing you had me laughing, that's just funny. So I called you yesterday because I got a flyer for a book party, is it tommorrow, or was it in May? The invite says May, just wondering.