Friday, February 20, 2009

A Movie Recommendation

Wednesday night, as I was cleaning up my stuff from a book party, the hostess and a guest started talking about this movie they had just seen and loved. It was called Fireproof. So, last night Jeremy and I had an at home date (the only kind we seem to have these days) and we decided to get Fireproof from the redbox at McDonalds. (We also got a James Brownie from Pollies so it could count as a real date and not just a regular old night at home. It was DELICIOUS.)

Anyway, here is my review...

The acting... pretty bad. (The main two characters are okay, but the supporting cast reminds me of a high school play.) Oh... Kirk Cameron is the leading man. Remember when he cute? I guess he is still kind of cute, but really now he is mostly just old. I guess that means I am getting old too. (Sigh.) I don't think his acting skills have improved much in the last two decades.

The writing... also, pretty bad. Seriously, sometimes I wanted to roll my eyes because the writing was over the top cheesy. It was also quite predictable.

The message... AMAZING!!!! Seriously, I was crying by the end (this is in spite of the cheesiness and predictability). It was a great movie about what love is and what it isn't, marriage, committment, Christ's atonement and love for us, charity...

Seriously, watch this with your spouse!! Watch it on one of those days when you are having a hard time thinking of something nice to say. (Hopefully, I'm not the only one with those kinds of days.) Or, you can watch it one one of those days when you think you are quite possibly the luckiest girl in the world to have such a great husband. Either way, I think you'll come away edified and uplifted.


Amanda said...

I have heard a lot of people say they loved it. I need to rent it for David and I to watch. Thanks for the honest review.

Teresa said...

I haven't hear of it (we don't watch a lot of movie previews in Guatemala) but we'll have to watch it when we get back. Or maybe we can find a pirated version here for a dollar!!

Cory said...

Thanks for the review- its always nice to know ahead of time its cheesy but worth it!!
Yes, kids and I will be in Ephraim for the summer, April-ish to September-ish. Any good conncetions for Emily to get into?

Cashelle said...

I loved it. We bought the book and are going to start doing it soon. It was so inspiring! Oh, and sorry about the blog award thing-I'm getting around to it. We have been INSANE around here.

Jake and Jen said...

Isn't it funny how the cheesiest movies can bring out such feelings? They always seem to be the most memorable with wonderful messages.