Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Usborne Regional Training

Camille, Me, and Suzanne
My downline supervisors. We missed Melinda (my other downline super) that day.

This Friday and Saturday were the annual Usborne Salt Lake City Regional Training for consultants and supervisors across the intermountain west. We had a great time and after fourth months of Jer working 70 hours a week, I was ready for a "slumber party" with my Usborne friends. (The kids were thrilled to have a sleepover with Stacie at Grandma Craguns!)

The meetings were inspiring, motivating and super informative. I trained on the software (mailing lists and bookkeeping) the company provides, on why my Usborne Business is the BEST job I've ever had, and on Home Shows. I was also in charge of the scheduling and training on Saturday.
It was also SUPER fun to see some of my wonderful consultants receive recruiting and sales awards. I am so proud of them!!
It was a lot of work, but so much fun!! It was just what I needed to recharge my batteries... all of them.

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